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Are you noticing rising tension and division on your campus?


Are your faculty, staff, and students struggling to navigate conversations around race, identity, and equity?


A sense of community and belonging is essential for a thriving academic environment. Yet, institutions have failed to create psychological safety, belonging, and true access to education for so many of our students.


college connection

a transformative three-day campus visit designed to address these critical issues through deep listening, healing, and actionable counsel.

healing and transformation for your campus

Empty Chairs in Lecture Room

college connection



Three-Day Campus Visit

We dive into a three-day immersive experience designed to connect deeply with your campus community.  During our time together, we engage with students, faculty, and staff, co-creating an environment that encourages transformative change and genuine healing.


Racial Healing Circles

Racial healing circles provide a brave space for intentional conversations about race and racism. These circles are crafted for students, faculty, and staff of all racial backgrounds, offering a sanctuary for honest conversations and deep listening.


Keynote Address

We start with a powerful keynote address where we share personal stories and demonstrate the strength of cross-racial and cross-gender identity relationships. This keynote sets the tone for meaningful dialogue and collective healing, inviting everyone to reflect on their own journeys and connections.


Meetings with Key Constituents

We dedicate time to connect with key constituents on your campus. In these personalized sessions, we offer coaching, consulting, and healing to facilitate individual growth and operationalizing equity.

Our team - Fernell Miller, Dr. Mollie Monahan, and Dr. Jen Self - understands that building strong, equitable, and inclusive communities of practice requires integrity, humility, and radical love. We are committed to supporting your campus in creating a more connected and liberated environment.

Ready to heal and transform your campus?

We offer a free consult to discuss the college connection.

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